FlorAl Savings & Credit Cooperative (FSCC) joins the Baguio City Cooperative Development Council's (BCCDC) annual general council meeting on December 11, 2018 at the Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative (BBCCC) Seminar Hall, Assumption Road, Baguio City. This annual general council meeting was participated by twenty-four (24) other registered cooperatives at the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA).
One of the highlights of the said meeting was the election of BCCDC's officers for 2019. The Audit Committee Chairperson of FSCC, Martin B. Papay Jr. was elected as a member of the Election Committee along with Ms. Venus Britanico, Chairperson of San Luis Proper Credit Cooperative and Ms. Jane A. Galutan, General Manager of the Guisad Multi-Purpose Cooperative as the Election Committee's Chairperson and Secretary.
Mr. Oscar Adversalo, Chairperson of the BBCCC was re-elected as the Chairperson of BCCDC. Other re-elected officers include Mr. Ruperto Ferrer Jr. with twelve (12) votes for the position of Vice-chairperson, Ms. Ofelia Valencia as the Secretary, Ms. Brenda Navalta as the Treasurer and Mr. Joseph Del Rosario with fifteen (15) votes for the position of Auditor.
Other nominated representatives from the participating cooperatives include Jhumar Guimpayan and Bernard Briones for the position of Vice Chairperson with nine (9) and four (4) votes respectively. On the other hand, Ms. Mina Castro was also nominated for the position of Auditor with ten (10) votes.
Based from the BCCDC's election guidelines, all cooperatives' chairperson are automatically qualified to be nominated and elected as Chairperson while cooperative's representative other than the Chairperson may be nominated and elected for the positions from Vice-chairperson down to the Auditor by virtue of coop's board resolution. Other coop representative without board resolution during the election may also signify their intent to be nominated and elected for the positions of Auditor to the Vice-chairperson provided that such resolution will be submitted after the election.
Also, during the said meeting, the BDCCDC's accomplishment report was presented by its Chairperson, Mr. Adversalo and the Financial Report was presented by its Auditor, Mr. Del Rosario.